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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a writer in possession of a good story concept, is either a pantser or a plotter.
There are a plethora of systems, software, and suggestions available for those who prefer to plot and plan their way to "the end". From creating color coded spreadsheets, to filling out worksheets, to scouring Pinterest boards for ideas and resources, planners are spoiled for choice. It may take a bit of trial and error, but eventually every planner finds the formula that works best for them.
I speak from experience here. I'm a planner. I plot my stories from beginning to end. I live and breathe for the planning, the plotting, the checking and rechecking and filling of plot holes before the actual writing happens. It's what I've always done and what I'm comfortable with.
But...and hear me out...what if by doing what I've always done, I'm missing out on easier, better, more effective, way of writing?
Pantsing, aka writing without a fixed outline and going where the story leads you, varies in intensity (some pantsers completely wing it and begin writing without much more than a general story idea while others do some very loose planning) has always struck fear in my heart. I am...not the most spontaneous person. I have lists for my lists. The idea of jumping in the author car and setting off on a writing adventure without a detailed itinerary and trusty map spelling out how to get from the opening line to the final word stresses me (seriously, my anxiety is spiking as I type this) something fierce.
But, in keeping with my own personal Year of Yes, I'm doing the thing that scares me. I'm sure by now you've noticed the Free Reads tab on menu. If you click it, the page is blank and says "Coming Soon."
Well, soon is now.
Okay, well, not now as is now now but now as is this week. Remember how I said I'd do Friday blog posts but I haven't yet? I know, I know. I'm sorry. No excuses. BUT I have a plan (stop making that face!). This Friday will be my firs Feeling It Friday blog post and part of that post will be the first chapter of my Free Friday Fic. And this fic will be written without an outline.
Yeah, you heard me. The Planning Princess is going pantless. There are three major reasons why I'm doing this. One, I want to try a different writing technique. I've been doing the outline, plot, draft, routine since jr. high. It's time to shake up that routine and see if maybe there's something that works better for me. Second reason? I'm afraid to. Third reason? I need to put some content out that gives you guys some of idea of what I have to offer in terms of writing.
The timing is also pretty great. Camp NaNoWriMo is going on right now and even though I'm not officially participating, just knowing there are other writers crafting stories at the same time and (some) using the same pantsing process helps me feel less alone.
So there we have it. This week's Wednesday Wisdom is about stepping out of my comfort zone and trying a different way of doing things. Hopefully, I inspired some of you to do the same. Maybe a change in routine will shake loose some major creativity. Feel free to click the links in the above posts for resources, materials, and explanations of different methods and processes for outlining, planning, and pantsing. If you decide to switch up your method, let me know how it goes! Or if you're a dedicated pantser or planner, let me know why it works for you.
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Wait, you've got a Pinterest? Me too! You should follow me and my boards here.
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Are you living large on Instagram? I'm not but still you can follow me here.