Teddy Roosevelt once said "Comparison is the thief of joy" and truer words were never spoken, especially when it comes to us creative types.
Whether you're a writer or a wedding planner, part of being a successful creative is knowing what's going on in your industry. What's in, what's out, what's now, and what's next are questions you should know the answers to. Getting those answers means being aware of your peers and what they're doing, how they're doing it, and who among you is doing it so well that they're literally winning all the awards.
Seeing someone succeed or achieve at an incredible level in your industry can be inspiring and motivating...or it can be a trap.
There's a fine line between inspiration and envy. Inspiration fuels your artistry whereas envy feeds your insecurity. It takes you to a place where nothing you do or have done shines as bright, means as much, or is as good as the person (or people) you're comparing yourself to.
And that my friends, is a creativity killer.
So how do we avoid it?
The truth is...we can't, not really. We see someone else doing what we want to do or are trying to do and being so successful and so talented that we're both awestruck and intimidated. We tumble down the rabbit hole of wanting and wishing and feeling inadequate. That's human and it's okay that we fall down.
The thing is though, we can't stay down. We have to climb up out the hole. What's for you is for you and you won't find it stumbling around in the dark wishing you had someone else's light.
So how do we get back up?
Refocus on yourself and your journey. You may not be on their level (it is what it is, fam) but that doesn't mean you can't be great where you are. Challenge yourself. Work on your weaknesses. Build on your strengths. Commit to being the best version of yourself, producing your best work. Realize the person you're idolizing is most likely comparing themselves to someone else and feeling they come up short. Make the goal progress rather than perfection.
Be motivated. Be inspired. Be amazed, but above all else, be you because that's something no one else can do as well as you can.
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Are you living large on Instagram? I'm not but still you can follow me here.
Are you on Bloglovin? Follow my blog with Bloglovin.