Wednesday Wisdom: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

If you're anything like me, you look at each new month as a fresh start. The calendar flips over and suddenly there's a sparkling new set of days just waiting to be filled with fabulosity. I greet each month full of promise and brimming with plans: I'll work out more, eat healthier, get on a better sleep schedule, write with purpose and precision, get organized and so on and so forth. When the first day of the new month hits I have all these great intentions and for the first few days I'm totally rocking the "new and improved" program but somehow by the time the middle of the month rolls around I'm out of steam, out of enthusiasm, and back to my old habits.

As much as it pains me to admit, there's no big mystery why I stall out around the midway point every month and don't make it to the finish line. It's simple: I put in a half ass effort so I get half ass results. Listen, I know that may sound harsh but it is what it is. Sure, there's my kids, family obligations, managing my mental health, and the ten million and two other things I have on my plate but the actual factual stone cold truth is that I rarely commit myself fully. I procrastinate and give myself permission to not accomplish my goal by having a handy dandy Rolodex of excuse reasons. I Plus, there's always next month, amirite?

Well, next month is here and I am keeping with my personal Year of Yes by taking on a 30 Day Challenge. I'm focusing on five aspects of my life and making a commitment to change two specific things in each area:

  • Personal:  My relationship w/myself and those around me
  • Professional: Dedicating myself to my craft and progressing with my writing
  • Physical: I've seriously slacked off on all things good for me 
  • Emotional: I can't have a healthy body with a sick soul 
  • Spiritual: Fostering a strong connection with the Creator and the universe
It may look like a daunting task but here's where self awareness kicks in. I'm making small changes  I can build on in the upcoming months to create large improvements. So what am I up to? I'm so glad you asked!
  • Personal: 1. "Tea time" with my daughters (they're 13 and 15) at least 3x a week. 2. Speak with my older brother (who lives out of state and I'm not close to) at least once weekly via phone or social media and try to repair that relationship.
  • Professional: 1. Participate in some of the writer chats on Twitter I follow but never speak up in.  2. Write at least one chapter a day and post accountability check on blog every Friday.
  • Physical: 1. Drink more water 2. Exercise at least 3x a week 3.(bonus goal) In bed no later than midnight. 
  • Emotional: 1. Stop skipping therapy appointments  2. Focus more on positive things.
  • Spiritual: 1. Meditate daily  2. Read something that inspires/uplifts me at least once a week
So there you have it guys. I will make these changes in my life this month and to keep myself honest, I'll post an accountability report every Friday to let you all know how I fared.  Now that you know what I'm doing for the next 30 days, what about you? Are there areas of your life where you need to make your own changes? Is there a specific goal you can spend the next 30 days working towards? Is there a healthy habit you want to spend the next 30 days working into your routine? Leave a comment letting me know about your 30 day challenge and let's do this together!


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